Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Husqvarna Convention

 Hello Everyone

    Well what a busy couple of days. I have been taking classes on the new Designer Diamond Deluxe sewing and Embroidery Machine..... way to tease me! I have also been taking classes regarding the updates for software.
   Tonight when we were having dinner we had great entertainment. The educators from Husqvarna were issued a challenge, they had about 30 minutes and a mystery box of supplies to make a garment. It was just hilarious, they were having so much fun! Enjoy the photos I wish you could have seen it. Some of the pictures aren't great but enjoy them.

 Well better run, Natasha

Monday, May 16, 2011

Final Days at Market

    My goodness what a busy trip this was. Most days we were going from 8am-10pm.It was a lot of fun. Now I'm in Reno for Husqvarna Convention. It looks like we will also be very busy here with lots of classes and great new software classes...... I never thought of myself as techie before but I really like it! I have learned so much these last couple of years. Usually by trial and a little help from my friends!
   I must admit I'm getting little weary so I'm going to keep this blog short I just wanted to share a couple more photos with you. I apologize now for any spelling and grammar errors I make!

Do you know these ladies? Arlene is on the right standing in front, she is the designer of Rabbit's Haven patterns from Mayne Island. Arlene also has a fabric line with her sweet little bunnies and snowmen.
We have local celebrities at Quilt Market!
Just loved this dragonfly quilt from Lonni Rossi.

 Hope you can read this too funny!

New GO! Die. Love It!

Bryan won a Slice Fabrique Cutting System!

Well I better get off to bed another busy day tomorrow!

Friday, May 13, 2011

Quilt Market Day 2

  Well we just returned from Handi Quilter and I really want to share some photos from the day with you. I hope you enjoy them!

These photos are from the Riley Blake Booth, I just love this tree. It is wrapped in fabric around all the trunk and branches and the leaves are cut from fabric.  Isn't it great! A little birds nest too.

One of my favorite stitchery patterns; Crabapple Hill Studio

I just love this display from French General

I have so many more photos, I will add more later but I'm going to put them all on the Cloth Castle Facebook page.


Quilt Market

Hi Everybody

   First off sorry that the blog didn't come through, the blogger site was down for repairs and I couldn't get the blog out.
   Now on to the fun stuff. Our first day at quilt market was really fun, we did classes all day and then Sample spree.
   Sample spree is what you all would love! Sample Spree is for all of who own or work for quilt shops to buy fabric bundles, samples and pattern for the next season. the spree doors don't open until 8pm around 3pm in the afternoon ladies start to line up, you can't even imagine the amount of people just waiting to get in there and get the deals and the fabrics.

You see everyone just gets comfy and waits it out, until the magic doors open and the spree begins.

   We bought stuff for the store and I also had a chance to buy something for me too! It is just the cutest line called Scandinavian Christmas.

This is a teaser of the fabric, below I took a photo in the booth of parts of the quilt..... I Love IT! If I have it correct this will be Christmas for next year, maybe I'll actually have a chance to have the sample finished!

   I also really love Riley Blake fabric lines so I also had a chance to get a Christmas bundle, this we are getting to the whole line of at The Cloth Castle. I also LOVE it too. Well lets be honest I Love It all!

   The spree lasts only 2 hours so it is power shopping at its finest, this is what the shoppers look like.

   Well I have to run, we are going to the factory were they make Handi Quilter Quilting machines tonight for some fun and dinner. I took about 200 pictures today so when we get back tonight I'll post here and at The Cloth Castle facebook page.

See you all soon, Natasha

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Mother's Day Tea

Hello Everyone

     Well another Mother's Day tea has come and gone. What a great weekend we had. The ladies came to sew their Dresden table runners. In between sewing we had a little morning tea and croissants, then sewed a little more, then lunch, sew a little more, then dessert. You get the idea, just a fun day of sewing and eating! The day is always fun. Here are some of the pictures from the day.
This is the new colour way I made for a new sample.

My sister the elf in the kitchen!

Happy Quilting!